Vocational And Technical Education In India

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vocational and technical Education in india

Technical and Vocational Education plays a vital role in Human resource development of the country by creating skilled manpower, enhancing industrial productivity and improving the Quality Of Life. The term Technical Education and Vocational Training are sometimes used synonymously. However, as per present practice, the term TE refers to post secondary courses of study and practical training aimed at preparation of technicians to work as supervisory staff. The term VT refers to lower level education and training for the Population of skiled or semi-skilled workers in various trades and it does not enhance their level with respect to general education.

The main agencies involved in policy formulation and its implementation include:

  • National Skills Development Council
  • Ministry of Human Resource Development
  • Ministry of Labour and EMPLOYMENT , Directorate General of Employment and Training (for Vocational Training)

Technical institutions in india

Technical Education is instrumental in making the remarkable contribution to economic Growth of the Developing Countries by way of suitable manpower production according to the needs of the Industry, Society and the Global World as a whole. To produce fully skilled manpower/knowledgeable technocrats in the present era of science and technology is the need of the hour. Polytechnic education has responded to the challenges of industrialization for self-reliance.

Technical Education covers courses and programmes in engineering, technology, management, architecture, town planning, pharmacy and applied arts & crafts, hotel management and catering technology. India’s general, technical and managerial capabilities are on par with the best of the world countries. While the youth population is fast shrinking with higher dependency ratios in the developed world, India is blessed with the population of about 70 percent below the age of 35 years. Youths are the most vibrant and dynamic segment as well as potentially most valuable human resource. However, despite phenomenal capabilities, India is seriously handicapped with a very weak and narrow knowledge base, with 12.3% gross enrolment ratio, as compared to 21% in China, 54.6% in developed countries and the world Average of 23.2% . There is need to convert the available huge human resource potential into a reality by expanding opportunities for youngsters and that too on a massive scale and in diverse fields such as science, technology, engineering, architecture, management etc. to reap the demographic dividends. This is possible only if we seriously undertake rapid reforms in the higher and technical Education sector.

Polytechnic education

Polytechnic education in India contributes significantly to its Economic Development. Most of the polytechnics in the country offer three year generalized diploma courses in conventional disciplines such as Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. During the last two decades many polytechnics started offering courses in other disciplines such as Electronics, Computer Science, Medical Lab technology, Hospital Engineering, Architectural Assistantship etc. In addition, many single technology institutions are also offering diploma programmes in areas like Leather Technology, Sugar Technology, and Printing Technology etc. Many diploma programmes are also being offered exclusively for Women in Women’s Polytechnics such as in Garment Technology, Beauty Culture and Textile Design. Polytechnics are meant to provide skills after class X and the duration of diploma programmes is 3 years, which means, the trainee becomes employable at the age of 19 years. Polytechnics are also offering post diploma and advanced diploma programmes of 1- 2 years duration in different specializations.

The aim of the polytechnic education is to create a pool of skill based manpower to support shop floor and field operations as a middle level link between technicians and engineers. The pass-outs of Diploma level Institutions in Engineering & Technology play an important role in managing shop-floor operations. It is further an established fact that small & medium Industry prefer to employ Diploma Holders because of their special skills in reading and interpreting drawings, estimating, costing & billing, supervision, measurement, testing, repair, maintenance etc.

industrial training institute courses

The directorate general of employment and training (DGE&T) in the ministry of labour, government of India initiated CTS in 1950 by establishing about 50 ITIs for imparting skills in various vocational trades to meet the skilled manpower requirements for technology and industrial growth of the country.

Vocational Training refers to certificate level crafts training and is open to students whose leave school after completing anywhere from grades VIII – XII. Programme administered under the Craftsman Training Scheme (CTS) are operated by Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) and Industrial Training Centres (ITCs). This scheme falls within the purview of Directorate General Employment and aining (DGET), under the Ministry of Labour and Emplyment.

  • Training is provided in 32 engineering and 22 non-engineering trades approved by the National Council for raining in Vocational Trades to people aged 15-25 years.
  • There are 7500 ITIs/ITCs with an overall capacity of 75000 over all places in the country.
  • • Electrician, Plumber, Auto-technician, Painters, Packages, Multipurpose Technicians, Masons, Dairy Assistants, etc.
  • The duration of the training programme varies from 1-2 years or small duration of 2 – 3 months.
  • The resource persons for the programme may be drawn from rural engineering departments of state governments, faculty of engineering colleges/polytechnics/ITIs and others. The trainees may also be provided one or two week’s orientation program in relevant industries.

National policy on Skill development

A National Policy on Skill Development has been formulated by the Ministry of Labour & Employment. The objective is to create a workforce empowered with improved skills, knowledge and internationally recognized qualifications to gain access to decent employment and ensure India’s competitiveness in the dynamic Global Labour market. It aims at increase in productivity of workforce both in the organized and the unorganized sectors, seeking increased participation of youth, women, disabled and other disadvantaged sections and to synergize efforts of various sectors and reform the present system.

National Skill Development Initiative will empower all individuals through improved skills, knowledge, nationally and internationally recognised qualifications to gain access to decent employment and ensure India’s competitiveness in the global market.



Poultry Production, Fisheries-2/”>Fisheries/Fish Processing, Dairying, Sericulture, Apiculture, Floriculture, Plant Protection, Agricultural Chemicals, Inland Fisheries, Plantation Crops and Management, Seed Production Technology, Swine Production, Vegetable Seed production, Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Industry, Sheep and Goat Husbandry, Repair and Maintenance of Power Driven Farm Machinery, Veterinary Pharmacist-cum-Artificial Insemination Assistant, Agro Based Food Industry (Animal based), Agro Based Food Industry (Crop based), Agro Based Food Industry (Feed based), Post Harvest Technology, Fish Seed Production, Fishing Technology, Horticulture-2/”>Horticulture, Soil Conservation, Crop Cultivation/ Production.

Business and Commerce

Banking, Marketing and Salesmanship, Office Secretaryship/ Stenography, Co-operation, Export-Import Practices and Documentation, Insurance, Purchasing and Storekeeping, Taxation Practices/ Taxation laws/ Tax Assistant, Industrial Management, Receptionist, Basic Financial Services, Office Management, Tourism and Travel, Accountancy and Auditing.



Engineering and Technology

Civil Construction/Maintenance, Mechanical Servicing, Audio Visual Technician, Maintenance and Repair of Electrical Domestic Appliances, Building and Road Construction, Building Maintenance, Ceramic Technology, Computer Technique, Rural Engineering Technology, Materials Management Technology, Rubber Technology, Structure and Fabrication Technology, Sugar Technology, Tanaries .

Health and Paramedical

Medical Laboratory/ Technology Assistant, Health Worker, Nursing, Health Sanitary Inspector Hospital Documentation, Hospital Housekeeping, Ophthalmic Technology, X-ray Technician, Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, Multi-rehabilitation Worker, Bio Medical Equipment and Technician, Dental Hygienist, Dental Technician, Multi Purpose Health Worker, Pharmacist, ECG and Audiometric Technician, Nutrition and Dietetics, Auxiliary Nurse and Mid Wives, Primary Health Worker.

Home Science

Food Preservation, Child Care and Nutrition, Catering and Restaurant Management, Pre-school and Crèche Management, Textile Designing, Interior Design, Commercial Garment Designing and Making, Clothing for the Family, Health Care and Beauty Culture, Bleaching Dyeing and Fabric Painting, Knitting Technology, Institutional House Keeping .

Humanities Science and Education

Library and Information Science, Instrumental Music (Percussion Tabla), Classical Dance (Kathak), Indian Music (Hindustani Vocal Music), Photography, Commercial Art, Physical Education, Bharat Natyam, Cotton Classifier.

Major challenges in front of india’s skill development

India enjoys a demographic dividend where more than 60 percent of its population is in the working age group. The youth bulge presents an opportunity for India to enhance its growth and also supply skilled manpower to the rest of the world. According to the World Bank Report, this is because India’s working age population will be more than the dependent population for at least three decades till 2040. The National Higher Education Commission, in its report estimated that the average age of population in India by 2020 would be 29 years as against 40 years in USA, 46 years in Europe and 47 years in Japan. It is also estimated that during the next 20 years, the labour force in the industrial world is expected to decline by 4%, while in India it will increase by 32%.

 However, the country is facing a paradoxical situation where on the one hand young men and women entering the labour market are looking for jobs; on the other hand industries are complaining of unavailability of appropriately skilled manpower. This paradox reflects the criticality of skill development to enhance the employability of the growing young population and also to gear-up the economy to realise the target of faster and Inclusive Growth. However, keeping in view the heterogeneity of the labour market and also preponderance of the unorganised sector; designing a model which benefits the key players of the ecosystem: employer, training providers, trainee and the government is a challenging task.

It is known that 93% of the total labour force is in the unorganised sector. Thus, the major challenge of skill development initiatives is also to address the needs of a vast population by providing them skills which would make them employable and enable them to secure decent work leading to improvement in the quality of their life.

The National Policy for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship 2015 supersedes the policy of 2009. This primarily aims at meeting the challenge of skilling at scale with speed, standards (quality) and sustainability. According to India Labour Report 2012, it is estimated that 12.8 million new persons join the labour market annually vis-à-vis the current capacity of the skill development which is 3.1 million in our country.

It is estimated that incremental HR requirement for skill development in the period 2012 to 2022 for the whole country is 12.03 crore. Hence there is pressing need to expand the Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE for skill development many fold to cater to the target which is more than four times the present capacity.  As mid- term strategy, 104.62 million fresh entrants to the labour force between 2015 to 2022 would  be required to be skilled/provided vocational education. At present 21 Ministries/Departments of Government of India are engaged in skill development programme.

         There are several challenges which have been identified in skill development of the Indian Youth. For instance increasing the capacity of the existing system to ensure equitable access for all and at the same time maintaining their quality and relevance is a big challenge. This involves strong and effective linkages between the industry and the trainer institute with adequate provisions for constant knowledge upgrading of the trainers. Creating effective convergence between school education and the governmental efforts in the area of skill development also need to be reworked. All this has to be in consonance with Labour Market Information System. Other challenges include creation of institutional mechanism for research development, quality assurance, examination, certification, affiliation and accreditation. Needless to say that efforts should be on to make the skill development attractive and productive to motivate the youth to aspire for it.

Addressing the above challenges, government has taken some concrete steps which include dovetailing and rationalization of the Central Government Schemes on Skill Development in order to achieve maximum convergence and making skill development an integral part of all Government of India schemes which has ensured that all government schemes now has the component which takes care of skill development as per the programme’s requirement.  Skill gap studies conducted by NSDC for 21 high growth sectors of the country will project he human resource requirement in those sectors by 2022.

Monitoring and evaluation is the spine of any development plan. Since National Policy for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship has been structured as an outcome oriented policy, it has been decided to set up a Policy Implementation Unit (PIU) for reviewing the implementation and progress of the various initiatives and undertaking corrective measures under this policy. For bringing improvements in the scheme through the feedback, provision has also been made to facilitate constant consultation with the stakeholder.  To ensure that the desired results are achieved on this account, it is necessary that along with monitoring, a quick evaluation of the Programme is undertaken at the earliest possible. Based on evaluation findings, we would be able to take effective measures and breach all the gaps in the implementation process.



Vocational and technical education (VET) is a type of education that provides students with the skills and knowledge necessary to work in a specific trade or occupation. VET can be offered in a variety of settings, including schools, colleges, and training centers.

In India, VET is offered through a variety of programs, including apprenticeships, assessment and certification, curriculum development, distance education, financing, governance, infrastructure, institutional framework, innovation and research, quality assurance, relevance and employability, skill development, teacher training, women and VET, and youth and VET.

Apprenticeships are a type of VET program in which students learn a trade or occupation by working under the supervision of a skilled worker. Apprenticeships typically last for three to four years, and students are paid a wage while they are Learning.

Assessment and certification are important components of VET. Assessment is used to determine whether students have acquired the skills and knowledge necessary to work in a particular trade or occupation. Certification is used to verify that students have successfully completed a VET program.

Curriculum development is the process of developing and revising VET programs. Curriculum developers must ensure that VET programs are relevant to the needs of the labor market and that they provide students with the skills and knowledge they need to be successful in the workplace.

Distance education is a type of VET program that allows students to learn at their own pace and from anywhere in the world. Distance education programs are typically offered through online courses or through correspondence courses.

Financing is an important issue for VET. VET programs can be expensive, and governments and employers often provide financial assistance to students who are enrolled in VET programs.

Governance is the process of overseeing and managing VET systems. VET systems are typically governed by a board of directors or a ministry of education.

Infrastructure is the physical facilities that are necessary to deliver VET programs. VET infrastructure includes schools, colleges, training centers, and laboratories.

Institutional framework is the system of laws, regulations, and policies that govern VET. The institutional framework for VET in India is complex and includes a variety of government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and private sector organizations.

Innovation and research are important drivers of VET. Innovation and research can lead to the development of new VET programs and the improvement of existing VET programs.

Quality assurance is the process of ensuring that VET programs meet high standards. Quality assurance is important to ensure that VET programs are effective and that they provide students with the skills and knowledge they need to be successful in the workplace.

Relevance and employability are important goals of VET. VET programs should be relevant to the needs of the labor market, and they should provide students with the skills and knowledge they need to be successful in the workplace.

Skill development is a key component of VET. VET programs can help students develop the skills they need to be successful in the workplace.

Teacher training is important for VET. VET teachers must be qualified to teach the skills and knowledge that are required in the workplace.

Women and VET is an important issue. VET programs can help women develop the skills they need to be successful in the workplace.

Youth and VET is an important issue. VET programs can help youth develop the skills they need to be successful in the workplace.

VET is an important part of the Indian education system. VET can help students develop the skills they need to be successful in the workplace. VET is also important for economic development. VET can help to create a skilled workforce that can meet the needs of the labor market.

What is vocational education?

Vocational education is a type of education that prepares students for specific jobs or careers. It typically involves hands-on training and practical experience.

What is technical education?

Technical education is a type of education that prepares students for careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). It typically involves more theoretical instruction than vocational education.

What are the benefits of vocational and technical education?

Vocational and technical education can provide students with the skills and knowledge they need to get good jobs. It can also help them develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Additionally, vocational and technical education can be a more affordable option than traditional four-year college.

What are the different types of vocational and technical education?

There are many different types of vocational and technical education programs, including apprenticeships, internships, and on-the-job training. Some programs are offered at community colleges or technical schools, while others are offered by employers or trade associations.

How do I get started with vocational and technical education?

The first step is to research different programs and find one that is a good fit for your interests and skills. You can talk to your school counselor, search online, or contact your local community college or technical school. Once you have found a program that you are interested in, you will need to apply and be accepted.

What are the job prospects for people with vocational and technical training?

The job prospects for people with vocational and technical training are good. Many employers are looking for workers with the skills and knowledge that vocational and technical education can provide. Additionally, the demand for workers in STEM fields is expected to grow in the coming years.

What are the challenges of vocational and technical education?

One challenge of vocational and technical education is that it can be difficult to find programs that are accredited. Additionally, some employers may not recognize the credentials of people who have completed vocational and technical education programs.

What is the future of vocational and technical education?

The future of vocational and technical education is bright. The demand for workers with the skills and knowledge that vocational and technical education can provide is expected to grow in the coming years. Additionally, many employers are now recognizing the value of vocational and technical education.

  1. Which of the following is not a type of vocational education?
    (A) Technical education
    (B) Business education
    (C) Agricultural education
    (D) Liberal arts education

  2. Which of the following is the most common type of vocational education in India?
    (A) Technical education
    (B) Business education
    (C) Agricultural education
    (D) Liberal arts education

  3. Which of the following is the main goal of vocational education?
    (A) To prepare students for specific jobs
    (B) To provide students with general knowledge and skills
    (C) To help students develop their creativity and problem-solving skills
    (D) To help students become well-rounded individuals

  4. Which of the following is the main advantage of vocational education?
    (A) It provides students with the skills they need to get a good job.
    (B) It is less expensive than traditional college education.
    (C) It is more practical and hands-on than traditional college education.
    (D) It is more likely to lead to employment than traditional college education.

  5. Which of the following is the main disadvantage of vocational education?
    (A) It is not as prestigious as traditional college education.
    (B) It does not provide students with the same level of general knowledge and skills as traditional college education.
    (C) It is not as well-respected as traditional college education.
    (D) It is not as likely to lead to high-paying jobs as traditional college education.

  6. Which of the following is the best way to find a vocational school?
    (A) Ask your friends and family for recommendations.
    (B) Search online for vocational schools in your area.
    (C) Contact your local community college or technical school.
    (D) Visit a vocational school in person and talk to the admissions counselor.

  7. What are some of the things you should consider when choosing a vocational school?
    (A) The cost of tuition and fees
    (B) The location of the school
    (C) The accreditation of the school
    (D) The reputation of the school
    (E) The types of programs offered by the school
    (F) The job placement rate of the school

  8. What are some of the things you can do to prepare for a career in vocational education?
    (A) Take high school courses that are related to your chosen field.
    (B) Get involved in extracurricular activities that are related to your chosen field.
    (C) Shadow someone who works in your chosen field.
    (D) Volunteer in your chosen field.
    (E) Take vocational education courses at a community college or technical school.

  9. What are some of the benefits of a career in vocational education?
    (A) You can get a good job with good pay.
    (B) You can have a lot of job satisfaction.
    (C) You can have a lot of job security.
    (D) You can have a lot of opportunities for advancement.

  10. What are some of the challenges of a career in vocational education?
    (A) You may not be able to find a job that is exactly what you want.
    (B) You may have to relocate to find a job.
    (C) You may have to work long hours.
    (D) You may have to deal with difficult customers or clients.

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